The Assign Work Areas to Entity tool is ideal for workspaces with multiple CSPs, and allows you to exchange and reassign work areas with other entities to improve your overall territory. This tool is available in non-Baseline solutions.
Note: you may want to choose to use the Display map by dropdown box to display your map by Entities when using this tool. You can turn on the Sequence display to get an idea of where your work areas are while assigning work areas to entities.
1. In the map view for your solution, click the Assign work areas to entity button . The Assign work areas to entity window will open. You can move this window on your screen so it is not in the way of you viewing your work areas.
2. Click the Destination Entity dropdown and choose the entity to which you want to assign work areas.
3. Click one of the stops in a work area that you want to assign to your destination entity. All of the stops in that work area will be selected, and that work area will be listed under selected work areas.
Note: If you need to remove a work area from the list of selected, click the x next to the work area name.
4. If you want to create a new entity to which you will assign your work areas, click New on the Assign work areas to entity window. On the Add new entity window that opens, enter a name for your new entity and click OK. Your new entity will appear in the Destination Entity dropdown box and you can then assign work areas.
5. When you have selected all the work areas you want to assign, click Transfer. The selected work areas will be assigned to the entity you chose.