Using the Transfer Stop Tool


The Transfer Stop tool allows you to move stops from one work area to another, or to create a new work area to which you want to move stops. This tool is available in solutions only.

Note: If you want to use the Transfer stop tool on your Baseline solution data without running Optimize—for example, if you know you need to make only small changes and do not want the solver to optimize your work areas—you can create a copy of the Baseline solution and use the Transfer Stop tool in the copy.

1.    In the map view for your solution, use the selection tools to select the stops you want to transfer.

2.    Click the Transfer stop tool button on the map. The Transfer stop tool window will open.

3.    Click the dropdown box to choose the destination work area to which you are transferring your stops.

4.    Click Transfer. The stops you selected will be transferred to the work area you chose.

5.    To create a new work area, click New on the Transfer stop tool window. On the Add work area window that opens, assign your new work area a name and choose the vehicle type. Click OK. Your new work area will be displayed in the destination work area dropdown.

6.    Follow the process above to transfer your stops to the new work area.

7.    When you are finished transferring stops, close the Transfer stop tool window.

8.    Use the Update Time & Miles tool to update the information on your work areas.