Optimizing Your Work Area


1.    Click the Optimize Work Areas icon on the left side of the Map/Solution Manager view. The Optimize Work Areas dialog will open.

2.    Assign a name to your solution. A solution is saved each time you run a solver in your workspace baseline. If you are optimizing your work area in a solution, you can choose to create a new solution or overwrite the existing one.

3.    Enter a brief description of your solution. This description can make it easier to determine which solutions you want to use later.

4.    In the Create section, choose whether you are creating work areas based on time per work area or work areas per day.

Note: You will not be able to choose Work areas per day if the Optimize within assigned entity service areas box is checked.

5.    In the Balance section, check the boxes for the settings you want to use to balance routes in your workspace.

        Optimize within assigned entity service areas - This setting will optimize work areas only in your assigned entity service areas. If you have work areas for multiple entities in your workspace, and want to optimize all work areas and then assign work areas to entities after optimizing, leave this setting unchecked.

        Group stops by postal code - This setting allows you to control when all stops in a postal code must be included in the same work area.

Note: If Optimize within assigned entity service areas is unchecked and you then check it, your creation method will revert back to Time.

6.    Use the Time/Compactness slider bar to indicate your preference: to balance more on time, more on compactness, or leave it in the middle to consider both equally.

7.    Enter the Start time for your work areas.

8.    You can use the Max delayed start time setting to indicate that the start time for your work areas may be delayed up to the time you indicate, if the delay will minimize wait time (on a work area by work area basis).

9.    If you want to set a capacity for your work areas, check the box next to Limit work areas by and then click the dropdown to choose whether you are limiting by Packages, Stops, or Time.

        Packages - Enter the number of packages allowed per work area

        Stops - Enter the number of stops allowed per work area

        Time - Enter the time in HH:MM format allowed per work area

10.  Choose whether you want to include breaks on your work areas. Enter the break duration, earliest time, and latest time.

11.  Choose whether you want to receive a notification email (at the email address in My Settings) when optimization is complete.

12.  Click Go to optimize your work areas.